While many people can manage their day-to-day money issues, reaching your financial goals requires you to make a number of important decisions.
For starters, will you invest in shares or property, fixed interest or cash? Where should you invest – buy shares directly or through a managed fund? And should you put your money into Australian or international investments? The raft of questions can be quite daunting, and that’s only the start of it.
There’s also the matter of your superannuation, tax, and how to protect yourself against financial misfortune. Not to mention getting the most out of government benefits and estate planning.
These are all complex issues, which is precisely why many Australians see a financial adviser. They can apply their experience and expertise to help you make tough decisions and integrate the different aspects of your finances into one plan.
Many people also enjoy the peace of mind that comes from having a plan in place – the feeling that their finances are being taken care of and that they’re heading in the right direction.